Cavity Caution: Can You Still Get Cavities with Invisalign?

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mainstfamily @ 4:40 pm
A woman smiling as she holds up her Invisalign aligner

Invisalign is the premier clear aligner treatment that helps you shift your teeth for a better bite and improved oral health. The sturdy plastic slips down over your pearly whites, completely covering them as it does its work. This aspect leads many patients to believe that Invisalign could also have the side effect of preventing cavities. But is that true?

If you want to learn more about Invisalign and how cavities form, continue reading. What you learn may help you improve your oral health.


Let’s Get This Straight: Invisalign during Halloween

October 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mainstfamily @ 8:09 am
Young woman wearing an Invisalign aligner

If you’re in the midst of your Invisalign treatment, Halloween may be a little bit daunting. While the removable nature of Invisalign aligners allows you to eat just about anything that you would like, too much candy could still cause serious problems for your oral health. In some cases, it could even delay the progress of your treatment.

For that reason, there are a few things it’s a good idea to keep in mind if you’re trying to stay on track with your Invisalign treatment through the holidays.

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