Cavity Caution: Can You Still Get Cavities with Invisalign?

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mainstfamily @ 4:40 pm
A woman smiling as she holds up her Invisalign aligner

Invisalign is the premier clear aligner treatment that helps you shift your teeth for a better bite and improved oral health. The sturdy plastic slips down over your pearly whites, completely covering them as it does its work. This aspect leads many patients to believe that Invisalign could also have the side effect of preventing cavities. But is that true?

If you want to learn more about Invisalign and how cavities form, continue reading. What you learn may help you improve your oral health.

How Do Cavities Form?

Cavities are the result of bacteria that form on your teeth after eating. At all times, your mouth is home to thousands of bacteria that perform many tasks such as helping to break down the food you eat. Other, more harmful bacteria also make their homes there, feeding on the particles of food that get left in your teeth for form a sticky film called plaque.

This plaque spreads and grows the more you eat food, and eventually starts making acid. This acid is what eventually wears holes in the enamel of your teeth—cavities.

Can Invisalign Prevent Cavities?

Unfortunately, Invisalign does not protect your teeth from cavities. In fact, poor oral hygiene and Invisalign could accelerate the process. For the treatment to be effective, you need to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day. This means that if plaque is on your teeth when you slip your aligners on, you’re trapping it against the enamel!

What to Do if You Notice a Cavity

There are a few signs that you’re dealing with a cavity including:

  • A rough patch on a tooth that feels sharp on the tongue
  • Black or brown discoloration that doesn’t come off
  • Dental floss frays when used
  • Tooth pain, especially when biting down

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see your dentist as soon as possible to have it checked over. Early detection is essential for treatment as the bacteria from the plaque can cause a host of other dental issues if it’s left untreated. Cavities can also interrupt your Invisalign treatment, causing you to move back to an older aligner.

How to Prevent Cavities while Wearing Invisalign

The good news is that cavities are almost always preventable. Brushing twice per day, flossing every night, and using an antibacterial mouthwash regularly will help keep your teeth cavity-free. While wearing Invisalign, be sure to also brush the aligners themselves before you put them back on. This will deter bacteria from clinging to them.

While Invisalign is great for straightening teeth, it’s not a shield against cavities. Like with all other treatments, good oral hygiene will keep it on track and is essential to preserving the results. If you need more help, visit your dentist for a professional cleaning and exam. Regular visits can help preserve your smile and keep your oral health on point!

About the Practice

At Main Street Family Dental in Danville, their expert dental team is passionate about helping fix smiles. They use ultramodern technology and techniques to ensure that your treatment is efficient, affordable, and pain-free. If you need straighter teeth and improved oral health, you’ll find Invisalign specialists standing by. Call (925) 430-7710 to schedule an Invisalign consultation, or visit the website to explore other services.

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